16 jul 2009

Absolve Pablo Heller and the Sasetru comrades

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Absolve Pablo Heller and the Sasetru comrades
Public trial August 24th through 28th, in the Lomas de Zamora courts

On March 25th of 2003, Pablo Heller was arrested during the violent police eviction of Sasetru. As a result of the struggle that followed and a great current of solidarity that was expressed, the Sasetru comrades won the expropriation of the factory five months later. Comrade Heller was charged initially with the crimes of usurping the factory and resisting authority. The accusations were so weak that the charge of usurping had to be dropped, maintaining nonetheless the charges on resisting authority. This expresses even more clearly the political intentions that exist driving this legal decision. 

The Sasetru case should have been closed a long time ago. The eviction was simultaneous with the favorable vote in the Municipal Council of Avellaneda which expropriated the machines and urged the province to do likewise with the real estate property. With the law already passed in their power, the Sasetru comrades demanded to stay within the premises, safeguarding the factory’s inventory. This circumstance was not taken into account, however, by the court. 

This public trial wants to make an example of this case and send the message that this sort of "transgressions " on property will not be allowed. It’s also a message to many factories pending on expropiation laws, many of which are transitory and have expired or are due to expire shortly. To these terribly precarious legal situations, we must add the lack of financial help from the state.

We must rally to defeat this new attack. The comrades of Sasetru Worker’s Management conisder this battle to absolve Pablo Heller as an integral part of the struggle to overcome the economic sabotage operated by the state, which denies Sasetru the resources necesary for the factory to be able to be put into production. In this trial over 50 witnesses will give their testimony on behalf of the defense. 

We call for the organization of a great campaign and mobilization to absolve Pablo. A first step is to make the case known and continue to sign the petitions that have begun to come in. 


Those undersigning denounce the persecution being taken upon the Sasetru comrades, through the instrument of the legal process against Pablo Heller. Heller was arrested during the violent eviction of the plant March 25th,2003 and afterwards accused by the Courts of Lomas de Zamora. Charged with the cime of resisting authority, on August 24th, 2009 he will be brought to public trial by the judge María Fernanda Ferreyra.
This outrage is part of a offensive to criminalize social protest, wich has served to bring charges against over 4000 activists of the struggle. Factories occupied and under the management of workers are a central target. 

We demand the absolution for Pablo Heller, the end of any persecution against the Sasetru comrades and the closure of this case. We must mobilize to defeat this new attack. 

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